Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | enquiries@liddertherapies.co.uk |

This is by no means an exhaustive list. You may find the following links and information helpful. Please get in touch if you need further information.
If you have found your treatment at Lidder Therapies helpful please provide feedback either
on our Google page or if you prefer anonymously on this link.
Your testimonial could encourage someone to take the first step in getting help for themselves.
Thank you.
These are the products and links we often advise.
National Websites/Links:
The Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy Association (POGP)
Womens Health - an excellent evidence-based website covering all aspects of
Womens Health
Doula UK - great website covering role of Doula and how to find one near you
La Leche League UK - breastfeeding support
MASIC Foundation - supporting women with injuries from Childbirth
Birth Trauma Association - supporting families dealing with Birth Trauma
Make Birth Better Association - great postnatal trauma support resources for
PANDAS - Postnatal Depression Awareness and Support
The Bladder and Bowel Foundation - supporting patients with bladder and
bowel conditions
The Endometriosis society - resources for Endometriosis
Useful Products:
EVB sports shorts: these can be helpful when returning to exercise after urinary or pelvic organ prolapse symptoms and help to keep everything supported and held in
YES YES YES lubricants: organic vaginal lubricants, they come in water based and oil based options.
SYLK lubricants: another option for lubricants
Stress No More: find pessaries and stimulation devices here
Mediplus: Further options for pessaries
Pelvic Floor Exercisers:
Squeezy app: A mobile phone app designed to help you remember and do your exercises. It also has a list of Women's Health physiotherapist's in your area.
ELVIE: This is a clever biofeedback tool that bluetooths to your phone to give you accurate squeeze and release data of the pelvic floor
PERICOACH: A blue tooth device similar to the Elvie.
Find a Women's Health Physio near you:
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy
Links on pelvic advice documents:
International Urogynaecological Association: lots of useful downloadable documents here on pelvic surgery and types of surgery including pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, pelvic floor exercises and bladder re-training.
Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy: many downloadable booklets written by Women's Health physiotherapists including (but not exclusive to)
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain for mothers to be and new mothers
Exercise and Advice after Pregnancy
Post natal advice:
The new (March 2019) post -natal running guidelines by Women's Health Physiotherapists
C-section recovery blog
Episiotomy scar recovery blog
The Night Feed app
Useful Books (links for Amazon):
Sue Croft Pelvic Floor Recovery - Essentials
Local fitness professionals:
Mycore Pilates Hitchin, offering post natal pilates, mat and reformer pilates
The Pilates Pod Hitchin, offering classical pilates and post natal pilates
The Motherhood Movement Shefford, offering 1:1 pilates and online rehab
Core Confident, offering post natal and menopausal exercise classes
The Yoga Shed Hitchin, ante and post natal yoga
The Pilates Space Letchworth, post natal and general mat pilates
Family Fitness Hitchin, keep fit and pilates classes
Lorna Catchpole buggyfit classes Ware, general and post natal fitness classes
Motherfit Hertford, general and post natal fitnesses classes
Diastasis Recti:
Diane Lee Diane has done a lot of research into diastasis
The Tummy Team an online rehab program
Fit2b another online rehab programme
Munira Hudani resources, self help advice and exercises for diastasis
Pelvic health information and blogs:
Lots of information in these blogs on all things pelvic health
Squatty potty unicorn video, this explains really well why you need to put your feet on a stool, and it's also very entertaining
Shelly Prosko toilet Meditation, an interesting way to think about your daily habits
Bladder Pain:
Jilly Bond, Jilly has done lots of work with bladder pain and pelvic pain, lots of useful blogs on here
Tame the beast: This is a great illustration explaining how we perceive chronic pain
Ante/post natal Education for the fitness professional:
Burrell education: Live and online training for all things ante and post natal and pelvic health
Brianne Battles: further online training if you are working with athletes
If there is anything not on here which you have found useful and think others would benefit from,
please let us know to add it.
Thank you.