Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | enquiries@liddertherapies.co.uk |

Lidder Therapies offers physiotherapy during pregnancy in Hitchin
Pregnancy physiotherapy is a specialised physiotherapy assessment for all musculoskeletal dysfunctions relating to pregnancy. We can assess and provide effective treatment, advice and exercises at any stage of your pregnancy.
Whilst many women will go through pregnancy with no concerns, 1 in 5 will have some pain or dysfunction. Pregnancy can cause considerable strain on the body and all women will experience changes which will affect them in different ways.
We want to help you alleviate and manage your pregnancy symptoms so that you can enjoy your pregnancy and remain active throughout doing the things that you enjoy.
As well as musculoskeletal symptoms of the joints and muscles you may be experiencing symptoms of the pelvis and pelvic floor. This could include bladder and bowel concerns or leakage, pelvic organ prolapse or pelvic floor weakness. You could have concerns regarding your delivery options.
From 35 weeks we can advise on Moxa treatment to help turn breech babies, provide pre birth acupuncture, assess for risk of vaginal prolapse and anal sphincter injuries and advise on perineal massage.

Who is pregnancy physiotherapy for?
Pre​gnancy physiotherapy can be helpful if you are pregnant and experiencing any of the following:
Back, neck and shoulder pain
Pelvic girdle pain - Sacroiliac pain
Coccyx (tailbone) pain
Rib pain
Diastasis recti (separated tummy muscles)
Carpal tunnel syndrome (pain/ pins and needles in hands)
Wrist pain
Pelvic floor weakness
Bladder or bowel problems – (incontinence or constipation)
Vulval pain
Pelvic organ prolapse
Birth preparation
You may find this leaflet on pelvic girdle pain helpful.
How can pregnancy physiotherapy help?
At Lidder Therapies we have a wealth of experience in relieving and resolving any pain and physical problems you might be experiencing. We understand that one woman’s pregnancy can be hugely different to another woman’s pregnancy and your treatment will always be specific to your needs.
Treatment options may include a combination of the following:
Lifestyle advice of pacing activities of daily living
Postural advice on functional movements
General exercise advice
Fitting and measurement of pregnancy belts
Manual Therapy (soft tissue release work, massage, joint mobilisations)
Lifestyle advice regarding bladder/bowel management
Moxa treatment for breech babies
Acupuncture for birth preparation
Individualised pelvic floor muscle training
Education and support regarding perineal massage
Birth preparation assessment and advice
If you are unsure how physiotherapy can help you during your pregnancy please get in touch or book online here.