So who needs a mummy MOT and why? The feedback from almost all mummy MOT’s I have done so far is always, “I’m so glad I found you” or “I wish I had known about you ages ago” or “That was so useful” or and this is one that I find the most difficult to answer “Why isn’t this service offered routinely” and the answer I think lies in what another lady summed up as “because money is not invested in prevention”. What a shame.

What is a mummy mot?
It is actually an examination that systematically and thoroughly examines the post natal posture, alignment, breathing, tummy gap closure and pelvic floor function. This is not a new service, it is not new research findings. Women’s Health Physio’s have been providing this service for a long time.
What is new is offering it as ‘complete package’.
A one stop shop.
A full MOT.
An all round thorough assessment from which you will receive a report on the recovery of your post natal body and what to do next. What exercise to do and how to do it safely. How to return to your usual level of activity without danger of causing problems later on.
Why is it important?
Over one third – 36% – of all women still have a tummy gap greater than 2 fingers eight weeks after giving birth. Of that third of women who still have a tummy gap, two thirds of those – 66% – will develop a pelvic related health issue.
Current research by Diane Lee suggests that it is not the size of the tummy gap that is important but how much tension and core stability can be generated across it.
25-40% of women are unable to contract their pelvic floors effectively following verbal instruction.
In other European countries post natal women are offered up to 12 funded physiotherapy sessions to ensure the core, which is the pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominal muscles, are working effectively and in synergy with the diaphragm.
Any weakness of the ‘core’ may remain, or be worsened by the wrong type of exercise leading to symptoms of prolapse, incontinence or pelvic pain.
Who can have one?
Ideally, the mummy MOT is offered after the 6-8 week post natal check. If you are further post natal than this, it may still be beneficial, but the assessment may need to be tailored to your individual needs. Once you are post -natal you are always post natal.
Don’t suffer in silence, don’t rely on guessing if your core is working, don’t assume that you will bounce back. You may. But you may not. Get your MUMMY MOT done and alleviate the worrying and uncertainty.
Know for sure that you are on the road to recovery.