Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | enquiries@liddertherapies.co.uk |

Post Natal
Lidder Therapies offers Post natal Physiotherapy in Hitchin
After the birth of your baby most women have a weakness in either the tummy muscles or the pelvic floor. Your posture and centre of gravity may still be altered. This can lead to instability and poor core strength. Combined with the demands of caring for a new born this may result in back pain, pelvic pain, bladder or bowel weakness.
At Lidder Therapies we understand the changes your body has gone through and will be able to tailor your assessment to your needs.
100% of women will have a tummy gap during pregnancy, this is normal to allow the baby to grow.
Over one third – 36% of women still have a tummy gap greater than 2 fingers eight weeks after giving birth.
Of that third of women who still have a tummy gap, two thirds of those – 66% will develop a pelvic related health issue.
Current research suggests that the size of the gap is not as important as the tension that can be generated across it.
We work alongside many post natal fitness specialists in the area to progress your post natal fitness in a safe and effective way to allow you to return to the exercise you enjoy the most.

Who is post natal physiotherapy for?
Post natal Physiotherapy is for anyone who has had a baby, either by a vaginal delivery or by c-section. Whether you are 6 weeks post natal, 6 months, or 6 years you will always be post natal. It is never too late to get yourself checked out, especially if you are experiencing any of the following:
Lower or upper back from feeding, carrying and looking after your baby
Coccyx/Rib pains from pregnancy or delivery
Wrist and thumb pain from repetitive use when feeding and nursing
Knee pain from the increased loads of carrying baby and the constant bending and squatting down to pick up the baby from the floor
Vaginal or vulval pain
Pelvic floor weakness:
Urinary or faecal leakage
Inability to contract your pelvic floor
A feeling of vaginal heaviness or a prolapse
Unable to control wind
Scar discomfort:
A caesarean section or perineal scar (Episiotomies, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree tears) may require treatment if you are experiencing any pain or discomfort. A scar takes upto 12 weeks to heal and upto 2 years to become mature. An adherent or tight scar can restrict movement. A tight perineal or episiotomy scar could cause pain inserting tampons or pain on intercourse.
Abdominal muscle weakness or separation:
It is normal to have a tummy gap during pregnancy. The research suggests that your tummy muscles come together at around 8 weeks, the depth and tension of the midline Linea Alba is more important than the size of the gap.
You may find these leaflets useful for post natal care and advice.
How will post natal physiotherapy help?
At Lidder Therapies we will assess your post natal body for joint stiffness, muscle weakness, muscle imbalances, treat what we find and advise on exercises to rehabilitate you back to doing what you love doing in a full and pain free way.
If you are unsure how we can help or what treatment you require please get in touch.