Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | enquiries@liddertherapies.co.uk |

Lidder Therapies offers general musculoskeletal physiotherapy treatment for men, women and older children in Hitchin.
Physiotherapy is the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of injury, illness, disability or movement dysfunction. We will help to ease your pain or symptoms and advise you how to prevent recurrence in the future.
We want to get you moving pain-free and help you recover as quickly as possible, and we’ll work collaboratively with you until we get there.
During the initial consultation, we aim to really dig deep into the cause of the problem, and whilst we focus on hands on treatment, supplemented by home exercise programs, we are always looking at the broader picture when it comes to your health and wellness.

Who is Physiotherapy for?
General musculoskeletal physiotherapy is for men, women and older children suffering from joint or muscle pain or dysfunction.
Some conditions that may be treated with physiotherapy include:
Back and neck pain
Whiplash, sciatica or disc degeneration
Frozen shoulder
Tennis Elbow
Sports injuries
Joint pains including childhood ‘growing pains’
Nerve pain
Facial pain
Postural problems
Muscle imbalances
Coccyx pain
How can physiotherapy help?
Your treatment is tailored to you and may include a wide range of skills and techniques including manual therapy, joint mobilisation, soft tissue massage, myofascial release, advice and rehabilitation exercises as well as acupuncture, electrotherapy and taping.
Book your physiotherapy treatments online or contact us for further information