Specialist Physiotherapy, Pelvic Health and Acupuncture Clinic, Hitchin
07951 490214 | enquiries@liddertherapies.co.uk |

Lidder Therapies | Acupuncture Treatments in Hitchin
Western Medical Acupuncture
Acupuncture is one of the many skills employed within physiotherapy as part of an integrated approach to the management of pain and inflammation. It involves stimulating sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles of the body. This results in the body producing natural substances such as pain relieving endorphins, melatonin (which promotes sleep) and serotonin (to promote well-being). These chemicals assist the body’s healing processes and offer pain relief.
A course of acupuncture usually creates longer lasting pain relief than when a single treatment is used.
Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture
The traditional view is that there are energy or Qi (pronounced chee) meridians running throughout the body. When our bodies are healthy, there is plenty of Qi and it flows smoothly. However if there is a problem the energy becomes unbalanced and stagnates. Needles are inserted into these meridians to restore balance, and promote the bodies own natural healing properties.
Trigger point Acupuncture or Dry needling
This kind of acupuncture is used in the treatment of muscle spasm and trigger points. It involves inserting a needle into a tight muscle, maybe rotating the needle to release tension within the muscle fibres. The needles are kept in situ for a shorter period of time than in a standard acupuncture treatment.

Who is acupuncture treatment for?
There are a wide range of conditions that can be treated and helped by acupuncture
The current guidelines by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommends acupuncture for:
chronic tension headaches
neck pain
joint pain
dental pain
post surgery
However, in many conditions where acupuncture is used, there's less good quality evidence to draw any clear conclusions over its effectiveness compared with other treatments. Clinically we find that acupuncture can be an effective treatment modality for many pain conditions.
Acupuncture and its use in Fertility
Fertility problems are common and currently one in six couples in the UK are considered to experience difficulty in getting pregnant. The desire to have children later in life is also having an effect on conception.
Until fairly recently the medical profession has been sceptical about integrating complementary therapies with conventional medicine, but there is now an increasing amount of research that suggests that acupuncture may have some benefit during IVF treatment and also in helping with natural conception by regulating the menstrual cycle.
Acupuncture during pregnancy
Acupuncture is an ideal form of treatment during pregnancy because it offers women safe, drug free relief for a multitude of problems that can arise during pregnancy and childbirth. It may prevent these conditions becoming serious enough to necessitate medical intervention:
Back pain and sciatica
Neck pain
Pelvic pain
Nausea & Vomiting
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Acupuncture may also be helpful in turning breech babies, birth preparation and induction of labour.
Acupuncture in pelvic health
Acupuncture can be used to help symptoms of
Pelvic or vulval pain
Acupuncture for bladder and bowel urgency and frequency
Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) is a beneficial treatment for bladder and bowel conditions such as constipation, pelvic prolapse, pelvic pain and more. The tibial nerve in the lower leg has the same nerve root as the nerves that supply the bladder and bowel. Treatment involves inserting thin acupuncture needles just above the ankle and stimulating the tibial nerve through gentle electrical impulses using an electro-acupuncture machine. This can result in improved bladder and/or rectal activity. For optimal results, the treatment requires 8-12 sessions, once or twice a week.
Book your acupuncture appointment here
Read what to expect on your first visit.
If you are unsure how we can help or what treatment you require please get in touch